Chemical Reactions and its types (रासायनिक अभिक्रिया व त्याचे प्रकार)

Chemical Reactions and its types (रासायनिक अभिक्रिया व त्याचे प्रकार)

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Chemical Reactions and its types (रासायनिक अभिक्रिया व त्याचे प्रकार)

Table Of Contain-Chemical Reactions and its types (रासायनिक अभिक्रिया व त्याचे प्रकार)

  1. Introduction of Acid bases and salts
  2. Reactant
  3. Product
  4. Catalyst
  5. Types Of Reaction
    1. Combiation Reaction
    2. Endothermic Reaction
    3. Exothermic Reaction
    4. Decombination Reaction
    5. Displacement Reaction
    6. Oxidation
    7. Reduction
    8. RedOx Reaction
  6. MPSC Chemistry Notes

Intro of Chemical Reactions and its types


By Shubham Vyawahare

➤ Svante Arrhenius designed the first modern molecular form of acid and base definitions.
➤It is the acid hydrogen theory, which originated from his collaboration with Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald in 1884 to establish the existence of ions in aqueous solutions, which led to Arrhenius’s acquisition of the promise in 1903. Bell Prize in Chemistry.
➤Acids and alkali are very important in biology, because most enzymes can only work under a certain acidity.
➤Cells secrete acids and bases to maintain proper pH for enzymes to work
➤Acids and alkali play an important role in the functions of the food you eat to the medicines you take and even the cleaning products you use.
➤Sodium hydroxide which is base used to make soap, paper and rayon. Calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime) is used to produce bleaching powder.
➤Acid and bases can be tested physically by testing a taste of a itom .
➤Acid and bases shows particular chemical reactions.
➤Both can change the physical property while perform on litmus paper taste.
➤Salt in brine is almost always accompanied by chlorides and sulfates of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Carbonate and bromine are also often present. The Dead Sea covers an area of ​​1,020 square kilometers (394 square miles) and contains approximately 12.65 billion tons of salt..

✪ Acid ✪

➤ Acid is a solution that contain large amount of H+ ions.
➤ In latin language asidus means sour in taste.
➤ An acid is a molecule or ion that can provide protons, or can form a covalent bond with an electron pair
➤Ph range occurs between 1 to 6.99999
➤Ph range occurs between 2 to 3 are very strong acids
➤ Aqueous solutions of acids are electrolytes, meaning that they conduct an electrical current.
➤Acids change the color of certain acid-base indicators
➤Acids react with active metals to yield hydrogen gas
➤Increases the H+ concentration in water.
➤The acid reacts with the base to form a salt compound and water. When equimolar acid and base are combined, the acid is neutralized by the base.
➤Eg.sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid.
➤The products of this reaction are ionic compounds and water, which are labeled as salts.

✪ Important Acidic Properties ✪

1.Litmus Test-
➤ Blue Litmus paper turn to red
➤ red Litmus paper turn to red
2.phenolphthalein Test-
➤ Acid turn to colorless in acid solution
3.Turmeric Test-
➤ Acid turn to Yellow in solution
4.methyl orange Test-
➤ Acid turn to Pink in acid solution

✪ Base ✪

➤ Acid is a solution that contain large amount of OH ions.
➤ substance that in water solution is slippery to the touch.
➤The Ph range occurs between 7 to 14
➤They are bitter in taste
➤ those bases which are soluble in water are called as Alkaline.
➤ Eg.Ammonia water, sodium hydroxide..

✪ Important Basic Properties ✪

1.Litmus Test-
➤ Blue Litmus paper turn to blue
➤ red Litmus paper turn to blue
2.phenolphthalein Test-
➤ Base turn to Pink in solution
3.Turmeric Test-
➤ Base turn to red in solution
4.methyl orange Test-
➤ Base turn to Yellow in acid solution

✪ Salt ✪

➤ Salt is a mixture of acid and base.
➤there are various form of salts are found on the basis of ration of acid and bases.
1.Neutralise salt-Strong Acid + Strong Base
2.Acidic Salt-Strong Acid + Strong Base
3.Basic Salt-Strong Acid + week Base
4.methyl orange Test-Week Acid + Strong Base

Salt Uses
Sodium Chloride or Common Salt (NaCl)
  1. Used in cooking food as well as for cooking gas.
  2. Used as a preservative in pickles and in curing meat and fish
  3. Used in the manufacture of soap.
  4. Used to melt the ice in winter in cold countries.
  5. Used for making chemical likes washing Soda, baking soda etc.
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
  1. Used for purification of bauxite ore.
  2. Used for making soap and detergent
  3. Used in the manufacturing of paper.
  4. Used in de-greasing metals, oil refining and making dyes and bleaches
  5. Used for making artificial textile fibre (rayon)
Baking Soda or Sodium Bi-carbonate (NaHCO3)
  1. Used as neutralising agent (antacid).
  2. Used for making baking powder

✪ Ph Scale ✪

➤Ph scale discovred by Søren Sørensen, Carlsberg's
➤P h Means Presence of hydrogen in a solution.
➤Ph range from 1 to 14.
➤As Much high H ions in the that called as acid
➤As Much High OH ions in the that called as Basic
➤Rain water has ph value 7
➤That means rain water contain same number of hydrogen ion and Oh ions.

✪ Important Ph ✪

Name Ph Value
Human Blood 7.35
Saliva 6.8
Acidic rain 5.8
Liver Juice 2
salt 7.2
Rain Water 7

✪ Acid and base Test ✪

Name Of Test Acid Base
Litmus Red Red Blue
Litmus Blue Red Blue
Phenolphthalein ColorLess Pink
methylOrange Pink Yellow
Turmeric Yellow Red

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